Mathew Knowles, the prolific music manager and father to artists Beyoncé and Solange, is ready to take his life story to the screen.Knowles has partnered with production company Say Unkel Entertainment to adapt his 2017 memoir “Racism From the Eyes of a Child” into both a feature film and a limited series, Variety can report exclusively.The film will cover the first half of his book and recount Knowles’ early years growing up at the epicenter of the race riots in early ‘60’s Alabama. He was one of six black students to attend an all-white school and participated in peaceful protests where he was burned with a cattle-prod and, on one occasion, arrested four times in one day.
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看完第三季,劳伯斯塔克领盒饭,终于让我心里长舒了一口气,这下终于少了一条主线,少一些忍受镜头切换来切换去的凌乱感了。其实这北境之王还真是徒有虚名,带兵带了一年多还没到君临,磨磨蹭蹭,看看扔家stannis说打就打不用几天开船到城墙之外了。 不过我还真希望劳伯领盒饭。人都有缺点,人都会犯错,有时看到主角蠢得非常无语,让人不但不想同情他们,反而心里看得捉急,恨不得立马跑到屏幕里去抽他两巴掌。但是话说回来,正是这些缺点才让剧变得好看,让主角富有个性。琼恩斯诺和劳伯斯塔克这两兄弟离开winterfell以后就犯了很多错误,碰壁多多,到处吃瘪。但是他们却有所不同,一个在成长,一个在毁灭。
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